99 km – 90 minutes – 12 stops
Traveling at 80 km/hr the train will allow commuter access to:
- 1.2 million residents
- 14 post secondary campuses
- 16 cities and communities
- Abbotsford International Airport
- Industrial parks
- Employment
- Schools
- Shopping
- Tourism

Train Route Connecting Surrey to Chilliwack
The South Fraser Community Rail will connect the communities between the Pattullo Bridge in Surrey and Chilliwack. The passenger train would reduce traffic on all major east/west highways South of the Fraser and provide a much needed affordable alternative form of transportation. This will solve a regional transit deficit by creating a Spine (main rail line) and Rib (road network feeding the rail line with buses) transportation system in the Fraser Valley.
This system will connect with Surrey Skytrain and provide an extension of lower mainland public transportation that would then run from Vancouver to Chilliwack.

Access to Post-Secondary Education in the Fraser Valley
Improving access, enrollment and transportation to 14 post-secondary institution campuses for 58,000 students and staff daily South of the Fraser between Surrey and Chilliwack benefits all of us within our provincial economy. Talking to Presidents of these institutions will confirm that point, without exception they say that transportation is their single biggest problem that they have in trying to increase enrollment and participation.
Our Post Secondary Institutions:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey Town Center
Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Newton
Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Cloverdale
Kwantlen Polytechnic University, City of Langley
Simon Fraser University Campus, Surrey Town Center
Trinity University, Township of Langley
University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford
Aircraft Maintenance Training Center / Flight Instruction Abbotsford Airport, Abbotsford
Canada Education Park Chilliwack, home the following campuses:
- University of the Fraser Valley
- CBSA – Canadian Border Services Agency
- Canadian Forces
- JIBC – Justice Institute of BC
- RCMP – Pacific Region Training Center
- CPC West